Our vision and mission
Beesafe Senior is solving the problem of active integration of seniors into everyday life. It allows them, at the end of their lives, to increase their autonomy and the feeling that they are not dependent on the help of other people. It gives them the chance to leave the house without fear and to do their favorite activities. Seniors desire for a full life despite many limitations due to health issues and age.
Thanks to our security application, seniors can feel safe. Their loved ones, family members or guardians know that they are fine.

How does it work?

Calling for help
Notifications are sent by SMS, email and by application system itself. Thanks to the safety application which we have taught the seniors to use, they can have quality of life they desire for longer time.
BeeSafe Senior is an effective solution for people at risky situations because it "thinks" a step ahead. It can be activated directly by the senior before leaving the house or by relatives. In case of an emergency situation, when senior is not able to call help, the application will notice missing notifications and will automatically notify the pre-set contacts - it will call for help in case of an emergency, while sending the notification to the specified contact or contacts in mobile phone.
There are a lot of danger situations when a person is not able to take mobile phone and call for help. Here comes the Flick. It is small useful "button" which can be connected to BeeSafe using Bluetooth technology. In one step, by pressing and holding this button person can quickly call for help. This solution is suitable for your loved ones who are not able to use a smartphone or using it is too complicated for them.

How does Flic work?
In cooperation with BeeSafe app Flic works simply:
- Press it once: to resume the timer
- Press it twice: to cancel the timer or turn off BeeSafe application
- Hold it longer: to send an emergency message (even if the timer has not expired yet)

Write us
Juraja Slottu 4, 010 01 Zilina, Slovenska republika
+421 918 802 907